следить за тем, чтобы

см. тж. необходимо следить за тем, чтобы не

Be careful not to allow the air hose to become kinked.

Care must be taken to align the ends of the wires correctly.

Care should be exercised to see that there is no rundown ...

One must be careful that the added circuits do not produce leakage currents.

Ensure that good contact is maintained with the holders.

It should be seen that the tubes are completely dry.

Make (or Be) sure there is no collection of moisture.

When adding the mercury see that nothing interferes with the free movement of the pen.

Take care when the boss is welded on that the inside of the pipe does not become distorted by the heat.

Источник: Русско-английский научно-технический словарь на Gufo.me