
Крыша, покрытие (здания)

roof resistant to the fire exposure — огнестойкая крыша

- all-over roof

- arched roof

- arch roof

- arched barrel roof

- barrel shell roof

- barrel roof

- barrel-vault roof

- beam roof

- Belfast roof

- bell-shaped roof

- bell roof

- bonded gravel roof

- bowstring roof

- butterfly roof

- cable-suspended roof

- cable roof

- cantilever roof

- clipped gable roof

- cloth roof

- collar beam roof

- collar roof

- column-supported tank roof

- compass roof

- concrete shell roof

- corrugated shell roof

- cottage roof

- couple roof

- couple-close roof

- curb roof

- cut roof

- dome roof

- double-deck floating roof

- double-frame roof

- double-pitched roof

- double-pitch roof

- equal duo-pitched roof

- equilateral roof

- fabric roof

- factory-type roof

- felt-and-gravel roof

- flat roof

- flat-deck roof

- floating roof

- flooded roof

- folded-plate concrete roof

- gable roof

- gambrel roof

- glass roof

- gravel roof

- high-pitched roof

- hip-and-valley roof

- hipped roof

- hipped-gable roof

- italian roof

- jerking-head roof

- knee roof

- lamella roof

- lean-to roof

- low pitched roof

- low-profile roof

- M roof

- mansard roof

- monitor roof

- monopitch roof

- multigabled roof

- mushroom roof

- north-light shell roof

- north-light roof

- open roof

- pan floating roof

- pavilion roof

- pent roof

- pitched roof

- pontoon floating roof

- post-tensioned roof

- rainbow roof

- reed roof

- retractable roof

- rope-suspended roof

- rope roof

- saddle roof

- sawtooth roof

- self-supporting tank roof

- shed roof

- sickle-shaped roof

- single roof

- single-pitch roof

- skirt roof

- solar-electric roof

- sprayed roof

- spray-pond roof

- steel cable roof

- steel deck roof

- steel folded plate roof

- steel prismatic shell roof

- steel rope roof

- steep roof

- sun roof

- suspended roof

- suspended cloth roof

- tank roof

- tank dome roof

- terrace roof

- trussed roof

- umbrella roof

- unequal duo-pitched roof

- valley roof

- water-filled roof

- waved shell roof

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