

см. тж. изучать; исследовать; обсуждать

We shall cover these compounds in the next chapter.

Here we examine the combined effect of ...

We shall deal with this subject in the next chapter.

To fully appreciate the significance of these data, each aspect of the genetical processes must first be scrutinized.

The question could be approached from two angles.

In this paper we will not concern ourselves with those problems.

We have considered this problem carefully.

Mechanics treats of the action of forces and their effect.

Since subtraction is the same process as addition, subtraction is not treated separately here.

We will now look at the basic principles used in fluid logic.

Let us take a look at the individual components of ...

The formation and properties of shock waves will be discussed in the following chapter.

The effect of these differences on ... will be covered later.

At the moment enzyme catalysis forms a separate subject; we shall not take it up here.

The next section takes care of Case 1.

The durability of the material must be viewed from two standpoints — the mechanical and the electrical.


When an object is viewed with both eyes, it looks like ...


This series can be considered a result of the substitution of ...

Then luminiferous ether could be viewed as an exceedingly subtle gas.

Источник: Русско-английский научно-технический словарь на Gufo.me