относящийся к

см. тж. связанный с

The determinant Δ associated with the matrix should be zero.

Standards pertaining (or relevant) to radio frequencies ...

Aeronautics is the art and science relating to the flight of aircraft.

D10 and D20 are the diffusion coefficients relating to standard state conditions.

Further interesting information relative to (or concerning, or regarding, or as to, or as regards) the equation of state may be found in Ref. 24.

This article considers resting potentials, action potentials, and other phenomena concerned with bioelectricity.

Several thousand papers have been published on topics related to offshore oil platforms.

Relationships involving (or dealing with) gas volumes are discussed in ...

The laws dealing with reflection of light from ...

This provides data relevant to the distribution of ...

Источник: Русско-английский научно-технический словарь на Gufo.me