

см. тж. относиться исключительно к

The establishment was set up solely (or exclusively) for the development of engines.

They assert that the genetic code has a biological basis for its structural organization, and no other.

If the mantle were made of nothing but gem-quality crystals, ...

This choice is made purely on the basis of convenience.

This rule applies strictly to a harmonic oscillator.

These proteins occur uniquely in tissues in which gene transcription is severely repressed.


This task can become enormously (or exceedingly, or extremely) complex.

Such monopoles would be extraordinarily (or exceedingly, or exceptionally) massive.

The sediments contain remarkably (or extremely) high concentrations of sulphide minerals.

The instrument is exquisitely sensitive.

Manganin is eminently suitable for standard resistors.

Источник: Русско-английский научно-технический словарь на Gufo.me