
1) тест, испытание, испытания; проверка || испытывать, проводить испытания; проверять

2) показатель; стат. критерий, признак

- test for homogeneity of lots

- test for preference

- test for significant changes

- test for suitability

- test for trend

- test on model

- put to test

- under test

- test of business capacity

- test of goodness of fit

- test of homogeneity

- test of independence

- test of linearity

- test of normality

- test of randomness

- test of validity

- acceptance test

- acid test

- actual-service test

- actual-use test

- adaptability test

- approximate test

- arbitration test

- assessment test

- asymptotic test

- biased test

- chi-square test

- comparison test

- conditional test

- confirmatory test

- consumer risk test

- convergence test

- credit test

- customer-request test

- day-to-day test

- depreciation reserve-ratio test

- design evaluation test

- development test

- distribution-free test

- double-tail test

- doubling test

- economy test

- efficiency test

- egg-laying test

- egg-production test

- engineering test

- engineering evaluation test

- engineering feasibility test

- evaluation test

- exact test

- exploratory test

- factory test

- factory acceptance test

- fattening performance test

- fixed assets test

- formal test

- fundamental test

- graphic test

- gross profits test

- guarantee test

- hypothesis test

- incoming test

- informal test

- in-process test

- inspection test

- intelligence test

- length-of-life test

- life test

- likelihood ratio test

- maximin test

- means test

- median test

- milk test

- multiple comparison test

- multisample test

- nationwide test

- nonparametric test

- nonrandomized test

- normal curve test

- normal service test

- objective test

- odd test

- one-sided test

- one-tailed test

- optimality test

- optimum test

- optional test

- output test

- overall test

- performance test

- personality test

- postenumeration test

- predelivery test

- preevaluation test

- preliminary test

- preproduction test

- probability-ratio test

- product test

- production test

- production assessment test

- production line test

- production type test

- program test

- programmed test

- proof test

- proprietary test

- prototype test

- proving test

- psychological test

- qual test

- qualitative test

- quality test

- quantitative test

- randomized test

- rank test

- rapid test

- reception test

- repeated test

- repetition test

- requalification test

- rerun test

- research-and-development test

- reserve ratio test

- revaluation test

- reversal test

- robust test

- routine test

- running test

- sample test

- sequential test

- service test

- service-life evaluation test

- shop test

- significance test

- single-tail test

- standard test

- statistical test

- two-sample test

- two-sided test

- two-tailed test

- type test

- unbiased test

- user test

- vendor test

- verification test

- witness test

Источник: Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам на Gufo.me