
1) доля, часть; участие; доля участия; доля собственности; пай || делить; разделять; участвовать; быть пайщиком

2) брит. акция (см. тж. stock)

- shares advanced from : to :

- shares are down

- shares are stationary

- share ceded in reinsurance

- shares firmed up

- shares have fallen

- shares have gone up

- share in a business

- share in a cooperative

- share in the profit

- share recovered

- share slumped 10 points

- allot shares

- apply for shares

- share to bearer

- be entitled to a share in profits

- hold shares in a company

- pay off shares

- pay up shares

- place shares with the public

- share responsibility with cotrustee

- subscribe for shares

- shares without par value

- share of capital

- share of labor

- share of profits

- share of stock

- co-op share

- distributive shares

- double vote registered shares

- employee share

- employers share

- established shares

- factor shares

- fractional share

- incentive share

- motor shares

- oil shares

- participating preference share

- pro rata share

- qualification share

- qualifying shares

- railway shares

- transferable shares

- underwriting share

- wage share

Источник: Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам на