
Проблема; задача; вопрос

- handle a problem

- problem of portfolio selection

- problem of waiting

- aggregation problem

- all integer problem

- assignment problem

- bulk queueingproblem

- business problem

- capacitated transportation problem

- caterer's problem

- classical optimization problem

- convex programming problem

- cost minimizing problem

- distribution-of-effort problem

- dual problem

- economic lot-size problem

- entrance-fee problem

- equilibrium problem

- error minimization problem

- finite horizon problem

- fixed-charge problem

- general transportation problem

- housing problem

- ill-structured problem

- infinite horizon problem

- linear programming problem

- multidimensional transportation problem

- multifacility problem

- multi-index problem

- network flow problem

- nonlinear programming problem

- optimal kit problem

- optimal path problem

- optimization problem

- primal problem

- probabilistic problem

- product-mix problem

- ruin problem

- saddle-point problem

- scheduling problem

- sequential decision problem

- servicing problem

- smoothing problem

- sojourn time problem

- system analysis problem

- traveling salesman problem

- trim problem

- unemployment-inflation problem

- waiting-line problem

- waiting-time problem

Источник: Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам на