
Коэффициент; индекс; показатель

- coefficient of agreement

- coefficient of contingency

- coefficient of digestibility

- coefficient of discharge

- coefficient of expansion

- coefficient of loss

- coefficient of loss due to service

- coefficient of loss due to waiting

- coefficient of occupation

- coefficient of overall outlays

- coefficient of performance

- coefficient of recovery

- average capital coefficient

- behavior coefficient

- Beta coefficient

- capital coefficient

- combined coefficient of loss

- confidence coefficient

- desirability coefficient

- digestion coefficient

- discount coefficient

- distribution coefficient

- drainage coefficient

- efficiency coefficient

- Gini coefficient

- inequality coefficient

- input coefficient

- input-output coefficient

- intensity-of-use coefficient

- labor coefficient

- marginal capital coefficient

- multiple correlation coefficient

- penalty-cost coefficient

- quality coefficient

- rank correlation coefficient

- regression coefficient

- saturation coefficient

- scatter coefficient

- service loss coefficient

- technological coefficient

- trend coefficient

- waiting loss coefficient

Источник: Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам на