
1.   линия, черта

2.   верёвка, бечёвка, шнур

3.   граница; контур; предел

4.   морщина, складка

5.   линия инженерных сетей; рельсовый путь; технологическая линия

to line by eye — рихтовать «на глаз»

- line of action of the force

- line of action

- line of corresponding stages

- line of creep

- line of force

- line of least pressure

- line of least resistance

- line of principal strain

- line of route

- line of rupture

- line of seepage

- line of sight

- line of thrust

- line of traffic

- line of wells

- line of zero fill

- A line

- aerial line

- air line

- air void line

- arch center line

- ashlar line

- assembly line

- B line

- backhaul line

- barrier line

- base line

- beam center line

- belt line

- bleed lines

- border line

- boundary line

- branch line

- bridge center line

- brine line

- broad-gauge line

- building line

- building setback line

- bulkhead line

- buried line

- bypass line

- C line

- cable line

- center line

- center line of inertia

- center line of the hook

- chalk line

- channel line

- closing line

- collimation line

- communication line

- compressed air line

- condensate line

- connecting line

- connecting drainage line

- consumer gas service line

- contour line

- conveyor belt line

- cordon line

- crest line

- critical state line

- curved line

- datum line

- dead line

- deflection-influence line

- digging line

- discharge line

- discharge section line

- distribution line

- dot line

- dot and dash line

- dotted line

- double line

- double-rodded line

- drilling line

- duplicate level line

- edge line

- electric line

- electrified railway line

- encroachment line

- energy grade line

- energy line

- envelope line

- equipotential lines

- expansion line

- exposing line

- fathom line

- fence line

- fire line

- flood line

- flow line

- formation line

- frontage line

- frost line

- future line

- gas line

- gauge line

- geodesic line

- grade line

- gravity pipe line

- grooved lines

- ground line

- guide line

- hair line

- half line

- heating line

- high-pressure line

- high-speed line

- high-tension line

- hoisting line

- horizon line

- hot gas line

- hydraulic grade line

- improvement line

- influence line

- influence line for bending moment

- influence line for reaction

- influence line for shear

- isopiestic lines

- isoseismal line

- lift line

- light line

- liquid line

- load distribution line

- location line

- lot line

- Luders' line

- machine's center line

- main line

- mason's line

- moment-influence line

- neat line

- outside foundation line

- overhead line

- overhead contact line

- overhead electric line

- painting line

- pay line

- phreatic line

- pressure line

- project property line

- pumped water line

- random line

- reaction-influence line

- reference line

- return line

- run line

- runner line

- sand lines

- saturation line

- secant line

- secondary line

- section line

- shear-influence line

- short line

- sighting line

- simultaneous level line

- slip line

- slope line

- sloping straight line

- snapping line

- snow line

- span pipe line

- springing line

- straight line

- strain line

- stream line

- strike line

- suction line

- supply line

- tag line

- tangent line

- thaw line

- three part line

- traffic line

- transit line

- transmission line

- trunk line

- two-part line

- underground electric line

- utility line

- vertical line

- wall line

- water line

- water level line

- whip line

- white line

- working line

- yield line

- zero line

- zero air voids line

Источник: Англо-русский строительный словарь на