
Расстояние, дистанция; дальность; путь прохождения

distance between track centers — ширина междупутья (железной дороги)

distance center-to-center of holes — расстояние между центрами отверстий

- distance of fall

- accelerated-stop distance

- accelerate-stop distance

- anchorage distance

- angular distance

- arbitrary distance

- average distance

- beam distance

- bearing distance

- bond distance

- braking distance

- center-to-center distance

- center-to-center distance between columns

- clear distance

- declared distance

- differential distance

- emergency distance

- end distance

- external distance

- focal distance

- following distance

- ground distance

- hauling distance

- haul distance

- horizontal distance

- jib center distance

- jump distance

- landing distance

- liftoff distance

- passing sight distance

- plus distance

- pole distance

- pumping distance

- restricted stopping sight distance

- runway usable distance

- shell-to-shell distance

- sighting distance

- sight distance

- stopping distance

- stop distance

- take-off distance

- tangent distance

- visibility distance

- walking distance

Источник: Англо-русский строительный словарь на Gufo.me