Русско-английский научно-технический словарь


см. тж. обеспечивать; следует предусмотреть; устанавливать

An exceptional degree of accuracy has been designed (or built) into this machine.

Future plans call (or provide) for an additional filter.

The new system contemplates (or envisages) mining primary ore.

Equation 8 incorporates (or includes) the normal losses.

Usually air spaces were allowed between adjacent coils.

This method involves increasing the pressure of the superheated steam.

It is necessary to provide a concrete lining.

Another scheme called for injecting thin trails of smoke into the airstream of a wind tunnel.

These superb valves were designed into the engine by our engineers.

The treaty provides that the U.S. shall deliver to Mexico ...

Русско-английский научно-технический словарь