Русско-английский научно-технический словарь

по отношению к

см. тж. вогнутый по отношению к; инертный по отношению к; относительно; реактивный по отношению к

Substituents para to the displaced group provide ...

This result allowed determination of the apparent velocity of any small section of the wave in reference to the velocity of the stable section.

The skip is positioned at the correct loading point in relation to the chute.

The placement of the transducer relative to the site to be irradiated ...

Specific gravity relative to air ...

The fluid is at rest relative to a contact discontinuity.

The voltages are with reference to the chassis.

The instrument indicates the tilt of the aircraft with reference to the horizon.

The position of the film curve with relation to the curves for component parts may be explained by the fact that ...

Care should be taken to set the throttle valve in the correct position with (or in) respect to the pressure governor spindle.

If the solution is now made 0.2 M with respect to sodium chloride, ...

The metal is positively charged with respect to the solution.

Русско-английский научно-технический словарь