Русско-английский научно-технический словарь



см. тж. вычислять; искать; можно найти в; найдено, что; обнаруживать; определять; прийти к

Once the function has been arrived at (or found), ...

The general shape of the ray paths can be deduced from ...

It would be important to identify the pathways by which ...

To help you locate specific terms in the text, ...

These two unknowns cannot be evaluated (or found) from the single equation.

The mass of the Earth was worked out (разг.) by another method.

The designers's goal is to arrive at a proper economic balance of investment and operating costs.

The instrument quickly locates (or localizes, or detects, or spots) lost circulation zones.

The torpedo locates its target by acoustic means.

The rocket seeks its target by acoustical homing.


см. тж. дано ... найти

Given: The engine consumes 27.5 gallons per hour ...

Required: Amount of gasoline consumed.


Look up the logarithm of the number preceding the power of 10.

We deduce (or find) from Eq. (11-47) that these parameters are related to ...

Русско-английский научно-технический словарь