Русско-английский научно-технический словарь


см. тж. все, за исключением нескольких; все, кроме одного; если не считать; за исключением; не включая; помимо

This treatment is satisfactory at all but very high pressures.

Processes in which the system might do work over and above that of expansion ...

These meteorites have an appreciable amount of carbonaceous material other than free carbon.

Aside from (or Besides) 0.4-0.6% soda, calcine alumina contains ...

These miniatures compare in every way except size with the large connectors.

Except for (or Apart from ) bubble caps, the plant was constructed entirely from carbon steel.

The resonator has the trivial resonance F1 = 0 in addition to the usual free-free resonances.

This magnetic amplifier has no moving parts other than relays.

No special attention is required other than careful and frequent inspection.

There was little doubt about the good process performance of all the functional elements with the exception of the fluidized bed itself.

Русско-английский научно-технический словарь