Русско-английский научно-технический словарь



см. тж. воспользоваться; максимально использовать; можно использовать; наиболее эффективно использовать; пользоваться; применять; широко использовать

We will show how these numbers can be put to use.

Advantage is taken of this fact in some turbojet engines.

Unique processes and equipment have been successfully applied in the mining and refining of potash salts.

The great majority of amplifiers are electronic and depend (or rely) upon transistors and chips for their operation.

These projects can draw on the data from five tests.

The new relay employs three sets of contacts.

We shall follow this method.

To harness atomic energy for peaceful uses, ...

This reaction may be harnessed to perform work.

The power unit makes use of a standard electric starter.

These vehicles rely on ambient air as a source of oxygen.

This nonreciprocity has as yet not been turned to useful account in antennas.

At present, these laboratories are being utilized to test timbers.

Such high precision makes it possible to employ (or use, or utilize) laser radiation as a primary standard of length and time.

With electricity farmers could run useful devices of all kinds.

This offers the possibility of putting hydrides to work in heat pumps.

These techniques take advantage of the laser's high spectral intensity.

Lasers are exploited to heat plasmas with short pulses of light.

Double-break or multibreak devices can exploit this effect even at higher voltages.

We make use of the generalized invariants.

The author's suggestions were picked up by the Japanese who ran some preliminary tests on eleven pure elements.

The steam from a dry field can be put to use(s) other than power production.

We can draw on the equation of general relativity to calculate ...

The newest accelerators exploit the same fundamental principles as the first ones.

Simplifying assumptions have been invoked to separate the two processes for individual study.

If this natural gas can be tapped, there would be a tremendous source of fuel.

This prevents defective parts from being put into service.


When all the even (or odd) integers are used up, there will still be half the series ...

Русско-английский научно-технический словарь