Русско-английский научно-технический словарь



см. тж. не иметь; обладать

This object possesses (or has) a symmetry axis.

Comets frequently show (or have) a tail.

Sulphur can accommodate more than eight electrons in its outer quantum shell.

This material is of high heat resistance.

The capacitor features (or exhibits, or shows, or possesses, or displays, or has) extraordinary stability.

Calcite may exhibit a wide variety of forms.

The instrument features eight data channels.

The cycloidal curve exhibits a higher pressure angle.

Many grains show slightly abraded edges.

The forklift truck is today sporting (жарг.) such accessories as barrel handling devices, belt conveyors, ...


The reamer is provided with helical flutes.


If you are given a line of a fixed length, ...

Русско-английский научно-технический словарь