Русско-английский научно-технический словарь


см. тж. в какой бы форме ... ни встречался; нередко встречаться; часто встречаться

Such oxidation states are most often met with.

This problem crops up (or is encountered) frequently in shock tube reactions.

Aragonite is found (or occurs, or is encountered) in many localities.

Plastic materials are not found in their natural form.

The temperature likely to be met with in practice ...

These absorption bands do not occur in the vapour phase.

A nonlinear equation that occurs frequently in scientific work ...

These features are not encountered in studies of ...

This forest formation is seldom seen in mature form.

Tall trees are sometimes present along the streams.

Occasionally, one comes across a patient with Milroy's disease.

Such situations often occur in practice.

Русско-английский научно-технический словарь