Русско-английский научно-технический словарь

вполне возможно, что

It seems plausible that the earth acquired much of its carbon in the form of ...

It is entirely (or quite) possible that the first polymers were comprised of ...

It is a distinct possibility that some of this condition might be attributable to ...

Such asteroids stand a good chance of orbital changes.

It is not unlikely that controlled fusion will some day help relieve the world's energy crisis.

It may well be that further knowledge of cloud behaviour will suggest new possibilities.

It is not inconceivable that further investigators may find ways to ...

It is not unlikely (or is not improbable) that this "powder laser" opens up new possibilities in display technology.

It is conceivable (or is not improbable) that most of the published data are in error.

What took place on the Earth more than three billion years ago may well take place on innumerable planets in the universe.

Русско-английский научно-технический словарь