Англо-русский словарь по экономике


1) мат. матрица

2) таблица

- matrix of effectiveness

- matrix of even order

- matrix of full rank

- matrix of real elements

- matrix of strategies

- assignment matrix

- augmented matrix

- check matrix

- coefficient matrix

- constraint matrix

- covariance matrix

- decision matrix

- entire matrix

- estimator matrix

- female projection matrix

- game matrix

- Hadamard matrix

- income matrix

- input matrix

- inverse matrix

- invertible matrix

- irreducible matrix

- Jacobian matrix

- Leontief inverse matrix

- loss matrix

- Markov matrix

- Metzler matrix

- Minkowski-Leontief matrix

- modal matrix

- nonsingular matrix

- outcome matrix

- payoff matrix

- permutation matrix

- polar matrix

- positive-definite matrix

- real matrix

- reciprocal matrix

- reduced matrix

- reducible matrix

- regret matrix

- restraint matrix

- semidefinite matrix

- semipositive matrix

- singular matrix

- skew matrix

- stable matrix

- technology-tastes matrix

- transaction matrix

- transposed matrix

- two-row matrix

Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам