Англо-русский словарь по экономике


1) счёт (бухгалтерского учёта) || записывать на счёт

2) (финансовый) отчёт

3) счётная формула, журнальная статья (в бухгалтерском учете)

4) регистр

5) брит. отчёт об исполнении государственного бюджета

6) pl отчётность

7) pl деловые книги; торговые книги

8) брит. расчёт по биржевым сделкам

9) запись финансовой операции

- account agreed upon

- accounts due from customers

- accounts due to customers

- for one's own account

- for account only

- for the account

- for the account and risk of

- for the account of another person

- no account

- on account

- on somebody's account

- accounts payable

- accounts payable-interline

- accounts receivable

- accounts receivable-interline

- agree accounts

- balance an account

- be in account with

- clean out an account

- close an account

- commingle accounts

- credit an account

- debit an account

- draw up an account

- enter a sum to a person's account

- give an account

- have an account with a bank

- keep accounts

- keep an account with a bank

- make out an account

- make up an account

- open an account

- operate an account

- overdraw an account

- pass to the credit of account

- pay an account

- pay into an account

- place to a person's account

- present accounts

- run an account

- settle an account

- set up an account

- take account of the needs

- verify accounts

- withdraw from an account

- account of charges

- account of disbursement

- account of expenses

- above-line accounts

- absorption account

- active account

- adjunct account

- advance account

- advisory agency trust account

- all-plant expense account

- annual account

- appropriation account

- assets account

- automatic transfer account

- balance sheet account

- bank giro account

- bear account

- below-line accounts

- bills account

- bond account

- budget account

- bull account

- business account

- business income and product account

- business saving account

- capital account

- capitalization account

- cash account

- charge account

- check account

- checking account

- clearing account

- closed account

- closing account

- collection account

- commission account

- compound interest account

- consumer's account

- continuing account

- control account

- cost account

- credit account

- creditor's account

- currency account

- current account

- custodial account

- debit account

- debtor's account

- deferred availability items account

- depletion account

- deposit account

- depreciation account

- depreciation adjustment account

- depreciation reserve account

- detailed account

- discretionary account

- divident account

- dormant account

- drawing account

- end month account

- end next account

- Exchequer account

- external account

- fancy account

- farm cost accounts

- Federal Reserve bank account

- Federal Reserve bank collections account

- final account

- financial account

- fixed assets account

- float account

- frozen account

- general account

- giro account

- gold certificate account

- government receipts and expenditure account

- gross savings and investment account

- impersonal account

- inactive account

- income statement account

- individual retirement account

- inland account

- integrated national accounts

- interest account

- interest-bearing transaction account

- interline payable accounts

- interline receivable accounts

- international account

- invalid account

- inventory account

- inventory reserve account

- investment account

- itemized account

- joint account

- ledger account

- loan account

- long account

- loro account

- loss-and-gain account

- maintenance-free ATS account

- managing agency trust account

- manufacturing account

- margin account

- material price variance account

- material use variance account

- material variance account

- merchandise accounts

- mid month account

- mixed account

- national account

- national income accounts

- national income and product account

- nominal account

- no-minimum balance account

- nonresidental account

- nostro account

- NOW account

- negotiable order of withdrawal account

- numbered account

- open account

- open market account

- outstanding account

- overdraft account

- overextended account

- passbook savings account

- personal account

- phoney account

- postal giro account

- private account

- profit-and-loss account

- property account

- proprietorship accounts

- public account

- real account

- realization account

- reciprocal control account

- regular checking account

- reserve account

- resident account

- rest-of-world account

- retail account

- revenue account

- running account

- salary account

- savings account

- securities account

- segregated account

- semiannual account

- settled account

- settlement account

- share account

- share draft account

- short account

- simulated account

- social accounts

- special account

- special checking account

- specified account

- sterling account

- stock account

- subscriber's account

- subsidiary account

- substitution account

- summary account

- sundries accounts

- super-NOW account

- suspense account

- third-party-payment account

- thrift account

- trade account payable

- trade account receivable

- transaction account

- transfer account

- transferable sterling account

- trust account

- uncollected items account

- unsettled account

- valuation account

- visible accounts

- vostro account

- wholesale account

- yearly account

Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам