Англо-русский строительный словарь


Метод, способ; система; порядок; методика; технология

- method of analysis

- method of application

- method of attack

- method of bearing and distances

- method of bipolar coordinates

- method of calculation

- method of design

- method of detail survey

- method of elastic weights

- method of electric needles

- method of expansion into series

- method of fixed points

- method of intersection

- method of joint isolation

- method of least work

- methods of manufacture

- method of minimum strain energy

- method of moment distribution

- method of radiation

- method of redistribution of pressure

- method of sections

- method of steam jet

- methods of structural analysis

- method of successive approximations

- methods of testing

- method of water needles

- accepted method of building

- accepted method of house construction

- accurate method of analysis

- adhesive nail-on method

- admittance method

- advanced methods of concreting

- advance slope method

- aggregate exposure method

- air permeability method

- alternate methods

- American method

- analytical method of determining reactions

- API method of pile design

- approximate method

- approximation method

- area method

- area-moment method

- assembly methods

- Austrian method

- autogenous curing method

- balanced cantilever method

- Belgian method

- Benoto method

- bentonite method

- Billner method

- "bin" method

- boiling water method

- boom placement concreting method

- bricklaying methods

- building method

- building block module method

- cable method of rock stressing

- calculation method

- cantilever method

- Chicago method

- circular-arc method

- Coast-Survey method

- collapse method of structural design

- combined finite strip-finite element method

- compaction methods of clays

- conjugate beam method

- consistency measurement method

- construction methods

- construction and erection methods

- contiguous pile method

- continuous-flight augers method

- continuous-sample method of advance

- convergence method

- critical method

- critical path method

- Cross moment distribution method

- Cross method

- cross-section method

- current design methods

- cut-and-cover method

- dampproofing methods

- displacement method

- displacement method of advance

- dual-rail method

- dummy unit-load method

- dust-spot method

- Dutch cone method

- earth pressure balanced tunneling method

- elastic center method

- elastic weights method

- electric analogy method

- electric resisting method

- energy method

- equal friction method of duct sizing

- equal friction method

- equivalent load method

- erection method

- fast track construction methods

- fatigue test method

- finite difference method

- finite element method

- finite strip method

- flight auger method

- flotation caisson method

- flue loss method

- folded plate method of analysis

- force method

- free cantilever method of construction

- general method of analysis

- Glotzl hydraulic cell method

- Gow method

- Hardy Cross method

- housing appraisal method

- in-duct method

- industrialized methods of construction

- iterative method

- jack method

- jacking method

- lacquer curtain coating method

- laser beam method

- leap-frog method

- limit equilibrium method

- limit state method

- listening methods

- load factor design method

- mandrel method

- mathematical method of design

- matrix method of structural analysis

- maturity method

- measuring method

- mixed-mode method

- mix-in-place method

- modern building methods

- modular ratio method

- moiré fringe method

- moment-balance method

- nondestructive methods of tests

- normal method of quality control

- null method

- numerical method

- one-rail method

- optical square method

- permissible stress method

- phototheodolite method

- plastic methods of structural analysis

- plate count method

- precast concrete manufacturing methods

- pressuremeter method

- proven construction methods

- p-y method of pile design

- rapid test method

- ratio method of balancing

- rebound hammer method

- reference point method

- relaxation method

- reproducible methods

- resistivity method

- resonant-frequency method

- reverberant field method

- Rockwell method of hardness testing

- safe method

- safe working methods

- secant interlocking pile method

- secant pile method

- seismic method of surveying

- seismic reflection method

- seismic refraction method

- semiprobabilistic design method

- shear transfer method

- shock response method of pile testing

- sliding-wedge method

- slope deflection method

- solar radiation method

- sonic method

- special method of quality control

- standard test method

- static regain method of duct sizing

- static regain method

- statistical design method

- step-by-step method

- strength design method

- strength evaluation method

- successive approximations method

- suspended cantilever method

- swamp shooting method

- Tagg method

- tangent modulus method

- test methods

- Theis method

- thixotropic liquid method

- three-point method

- tilt-up method

- time-saving method of construction

- TNO method of analysis

- TNO method of pile testing

- transit and stadia method

- tremie method

- truss analogy method

- turn-of-nut method

- ultrasonic pulse velocity method

- vacuum concrete method of bridge construction

- valveless pulse-jet method

- vane shear method

- velocity reduction method of duct sizing

- velocity reduction method

- vibratory method

- Vickers method of hardness testing

- volume method of measuring aggregates

- warm water method

- water fog spray method

- western bricklaying method

- western method

- working-stress design method

Англо-русский строительный словарь